Life is a learning process and we learn everyday. There is a lot to learn from every human being, animals and insects. Have you ever thought if small honey bees would stop gathering nectar, flowers will not be pollinated and some fruits may not develop. So the apples or grapes which we eat would not be tastier if flowers were not pollinated by honey bees. Small efforts of honey bees helps in maintaining natural equilibrium. If a student is expecting good marks he/ she should put in small efforts everyday to get good results. We sometimes think why is it necessary to study everyday.
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We all are human beings and its very usual for all of us to concentrate on something which goes wrong rather than concentrating on all good things which happened. We concentrate on one negative aspect and break a relationship rather than focusing on all positive characteristics of a person. In this whole universe which is created by God no one is completely perfect. Everyone lacks some or other traits. Can you think of someone whom you can label as 100 % good. No. There must be something in that person which is pessimistic.
Getting a promotion and not happy about it ? Facing sleepless nights ? Remaining restless ? You are probably facing promotion anxiety. Everyone works hard for good performance and to get promotion. There are few whose works gets recognized and their dream comes true. They are happy about it but after sometime feels out of place. They get demoralized and their performance deteriorates. This happens with almost every person leaving a few. There is nothing to worry. We have to take few measures so that we move out of that anxiety and not live in it.