Self image is the image one has of oneself and it is built over a period of time. The events, the happenings everything shapes our image. A person can be intelligent, have good looks but may suffer from poor self image but on the other hand a person may have gone through a lot of hardships in life and may be a average guy but have high self image and high self esteem. A good self image gives us confidence and a low self image makes us doubts our abilities.
Self Image
I successfully conducted training program along with my team on the topic “Life Ok” at JCI National Conference held at Lulu International, Kerala on 28th December 2012. I conducted training on the topic “Discover your true self” or Self Image. I discussed on What is Self Image ? Why it is important to have a good self image ? How to improve one's image over a life time. My audience comprised of Teachers, Charter Accountants, Home makers, Entrepreneurs and other working professionals.
I got a great opportunity to conduct training program at Nagpur Municipal Corporation for Auditors of 6 districts of Vidarbha region on 3rd and 4th December 2012 under the banner of Attitude School. It was two days training program in which i covered Human Relations, Positive thinking, Self Image and Motivation.
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All new ZTWS ( Zone Trainer Work Shop ) qualified participant got an opportunity to conduct training program in MCID. Its a multi chapter training where you get participant from different chapters in Jaycees. Our pilot faculty was Anand agarwal sir and myself Rashmi Priya, Dr Archana Jaiswal, Kirti Nipankar and Jigna Thankkar were the 4 co- pilots. The topic for training was ' Be Better '. Jigna was going to present on 'Self Image', Kirti on ' Human Relations', Myself on ' Goal Setting', and Archana of ' Motivation'.
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