Today I chose a topic on which I have listened to lots of videos and even read articles online. I am a very curious kind of person and when there a question in my mind, I need an answer to it. I cannot settle down with assumptions but I need solid proof as to why I feel strongly for someone who is not related to me in anyways and feel distanced from people who are very close to me in my personal life. I started searching for my answers and came to various conclusions and there are also few threads that still lying loose but I know I will get my answers.
There are many changes that happen in life. As a girl we have various roles to play. We were four sisters and i being the second had lots of responsibilities over my shoulders. I played various roles as a sister, mother, CEO at VinayRas Infotech, Founder & corporate trainer at Attitude School. But the journey was not smooth. There were times were we ran short of money and i had no idea how we would pay our programmers but then we ( My Husband and me ) started our journey and there was no looking back.
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