1) Be well prepared for the interview
2) Arrive 15 mins early at the place of interview
3) Carry several copies of your resume.
4) Carry pen and A-4 size paper with you for the interview
5) Greet the receptionist. It shows your humble nature.
6) Do not talk or laugh out loudly. Maintain office decorum.
7) Do not fix two consecutive interviews in the same day as you never know how much time your first interview will take.
8) Greet the interviewer after entering the room.
9) Take permission and sit down.
10) Do not slouch at the time of interview.
1.Know the expertise of the company you are applying for the job
2.If you have expertise in Java don't apply in a company which works only in PHP as it makes no sense.
3.Just don't post resume to any email id which you get hold of from websites. It may so happen that you mail the wrong person and he may mark that as junk.
4.Please find out appropriate email id's of HR for mailing. They are the persons involved in to recruitment.

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