Manifestation is all about alignment. Sometimes I don’t understand many things but keep going. You see your soul's resonance in the outside world in the form of manifestations that occupies your life. When you align your thoughts i.e your mind, and your energies with the cosmic energy you can feel a shift in your life. I don’t claim I understand everything in totality but up to some extent. When you have less time and more work to do it is better you keep going and keep doing. Don’t waste any time analyzing everything.
Mathematics is ingrained in your body and cosmos. It is something which existed since time immemorial. It was never discovered by any scientists doing any scientific discoveries. People got aware of it after studying nature to its core. Everything in this entire universe exists in a pattern.
I have got Bioscience background and I never studied energies or subjects related to it. I did not even read any of the ancient scriptures but life somehow landed me in the place where I am now. Nothing related to energies ever fascinated me but today I am the one who has a changed path, a new outlook on life, and a different mindset to explore the only reality i.e energy. This entire universe was created by God by means of roar. The source of creation put its energy out there in the universe by means of sound which is vibration and hence a form of energy.
To some spirituality is a fancy word while for others it is their daily practice that gets them one step closer to their connection with divinity or God. There is no one way to reach the divine and I bet no one can debate this fact. If you want to get God then you can do it by following rituals, mantra chanting, meditation, or simply by being silent and connecting with nature. There are no hard and fast rules and if any person made the rules then it is going to be broken by some or other living being. People say Gods are not accessible to negative people but that is absolutely wrong.
After questioning my existence for a very long time I have some of my answers but still, I am not satisfied with the results. Sometimes I feel too stuck and lost and it feels like my life is not moving forward. I don’t know where my life is heading because when you work on the invisible energies then you can’t see the results on paper. The memory which exists within my body is not programmed to handle the work which I do and that’s the only reason I feel directionless though at times the universe talks directly to me by means of messages.
There is so much happening in the entire world that you cannot just sleep over it. The universe is undergoing massive change and so are the planets in the solar system. I am facing problems of the disturbed sleep cycle and that is really affecting me. There is so much happening in my mind and outer environment near me that my brain thinks it's all hallucinatory. The thin line which existed between me and the outer world feels like getting removed. The messages are so fast and huge that I am losing my mind.
Happy Women’s Day. The word women were coined to represent females but they are much more than nurturers or service providers. They are the ones to keep the societies intact because they bond from the heart. It is good to see males appreciating females for all the good work they do but they can never understand how much a woman has to struggle when she wants to add extra feathers to her cap and want to take up a work that has not been taken by anyone till date. Society then starts judging them and demotivates them that you can’t do it because no one else did it till today.
I am someone who was not into yoga and meditation before I started facing too many health problems and started yoga in the year 2012. In the year 2015, I had two divine encounters and I started meditation in the year 2017. Though I don’t understand much of why I do what I do but still I keep doing it because a little voice inside of me says that I have a bigger purpose to serve and my meditation will help me in getting cosmic guidance and also connect with the invisible energies which will help me in the achievement of my purpose.
Many major shifts are happening on the earth plane. Some can feel and others can’t. It depends on how connected you are with your own inner self or the vibration which exists in the universe because these shifts are signaling towards something major which is going to happen in the coming months. I can understand why I see the number “9” most of the time and why the number “369” almost every time.
If you are someone who had a near-death experience or spiritual awakening then you will perceive things that others can’t. Your view and outlook of the outside world will be very different. You will see everything which exists in the universe differently and the biggest reason is these out-of-body experiences reprograms your mind and the data which existed in your system changes all of a sudden. The biggest reason is it rewires your brain. How brain rewiring can change your entire chemistry and your personality as a person is something that should be understood to its core.