Happy Women’s Day. The word women were coined to represent females but they are much more than nurturers or service providers. They are the ones to keep the societies intact because they bond from the heart. It is good to see males appreciating females for all the good work they do but they can never understand how much a woman has to struggle when she wants to add extra feathers to her cap and want to take up a work that has not been taken by anyone till date. Society then starts judging them and demotivates them that you can’t do it because no one else did it till today.
God is great. He is the one who makes things happen. The other day I was talking to one of my friends about the fanstasy world and like he had no idea of what it is so I was left with no other option but to explain to him what it is like to stay in a fantasy world. I tried to explain all the theory but still, he could not understand so I decided to take him for a ride in my chariot because he left me with no other option but to do that. How can someone have no idea of the fantasy world?
All of us fight for the social cause but few of us raise the issue and take the movement forward. On the Eve of 'Trainers day'' we the trainers of Junior Chamber International conducted training program on Social Responsibility on 10th September 2010. Objective of the training was to make every member aware of his social responsibilities towards self, family, society, chapter and country. I took training in JCI Nagpur Central. It was really a great session interacting with the audience. They participated very well.