Happy Women’s Day. The word women were coined to represent females but they are much more than nurturers or service providers. They are the ones to keep the societies intact because they bond from the heart. It is good to see males appreciating females for all the good work they do but they can never understand how much a woman has to struggle when she wants to add extra feathers to her cap and want to take up a work that has not been taken by anyone till date. Society then starts judging them and demotivates them that you can’t do it because no one else did it till today.
I hope all of you will agree with me that you should always face your fears or they will haunt you in the night. The biggest problem with most of us is that we run away from things which we cannot face or don’t want to face because we fear we may not get desired result or a complete rejection which will break our heart. I would say face your deadliest fears so that it never troubles you again in your life, at least you know the reality and you are not in the fantasy world which you created.

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