Happy New Year 2022. Everyone who patiently reads my article has enough sanity to digest my thoughts and my views. Thanks for being in my life. Today it is 1/1/2022. Numbers, synchronicities, and divine beings are there and will be there till eternity. I have evolved and raised my vibrations to make peace with all types of divine guidance and thank my God for everything. I can’t understand so many things. I am going with the flow and want to see where this new divine journey takes me. The unknown journey leads to the right destination.
Let us first define what is an experience. An experience is something which helps you in learning how to handle the same situation second time in the best possible way or a new situation in a new way since you know how to handle things in life. A person's life is full of experience - good and bad both. You learn from bad ones much more than you learn from the good ones. Good experiences are easily forgotten, but it's the bad ones which stay in your memory. An experience transforms you into a better person.

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