Let us first define what is an experience. An experience is something which helps you in learning how to handle the same situation second time in the best possible way or a new situation in a new way since you know how to handle things in life. A person's life is full of experience - good and bad both. You learn from bad ones much more than you learn from the good ones. Good experiences are easily forgotten, but it's the bad ones which stay in your memory. An experience transforms you into a better person.
rashmijsr's blog
A Habit is something which we do every day and get used to doing the same thing the same way. Habits can be both good and bad and it is you who decides in which category you want to place everything you are used to doing. Habits are not formed in a day, it takes months to develop a habit. And it takes months to break a bad habit or a habit which you want to change. There are few traits which are common in highly successful people and if you have to be one among them you have to develop some of those habits too.
I remember a very famous quotation on commitment “The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help.”
I am a person who does more of self-discovery and try to understand myself by the things I do, the decisions I make and the feelings I experience. Every person has a single life to live and you are the decision maker of your own life. The reigns of your life should only be in your own hands and not in someone else’s hand. Every person on this earth has been gifted a single life to live and no two people can have the same point of view on the same subject. We are bound to be different. Similarly, we all have different priorities in life.
The question regarding peace always comes to my mind because that is something which all of us loses once in awhile. There is always a question arising “Where is my peace?” and how do I get it. It is very important to be peaceful so that you can grow as a person and let others grow around you. You have to let go of things and people in your life so that they can move ahead in life. We are born to grow and let others grow. It is only when we hold onto things and want things to be our way that we lose our peace.
My article on “Decisions designs your Destiny” article was published in Future section of Hitavada Newspaper on 6th October 2015
Read full article on - http://www.rashmipriya.com/decisions-designs-your-destiny
This article is all about decision making and how important it is to take good decisions which help us to move ahead in life.
I am a very Spiritual person someone who believes in God. The faith in God has only strengthened with time and age. Previously i didn’t understand things but now i have matured as person to understand as to why some things are happening and others are still piling up in a queue. A lot of incidences have happened in my life one after another which has proved that God is there with me all the time and helping me in all possible ways. The almighty has send various people in my life who make my day just by being there for me. I firmly believe everything happens in life for a reason.
A person is nothing but a sum total of all decisions he makes in his life. You always have to choose and decide which way to go. Decision making starts from kindergarten days when a child decides whether he should eat a chocolate or not, purchase one toy over the other toy. We human beings are adapted to decision making but the best part is that when we make small decisions it does not matters whether it is right or wrong. It is only when we make big decisions that we understand “How Right or How Wrong We Were”. So what to do.
It is important to have good relationships in life. We all try to maintain good relations with everyone who are close to us. I strongly feel that the bond of marriage literally ties two individuals with a single thread, though it is not visible to anyone except the two of them sharing the tie-up. It is a bond which gives you your best friend for life whom you can call your life partner or your better half. You are 50 % and your partner is 50 % and when you both are together you make complete 100 %.
First thing learnt about life is that life is about living and not complaining. The more you complain you will find more things to complain about and the bag of complaint will be piled up. When you are grateful for everything that happen in your daily life you will find peace everywhere. You will be happy within. This happiness which flows from inside to the outside is very important. We do not want to change the world but change our attitude to things around us. Problems, frustrations, stress leads to unhappy minds and diseases which ruins our life.