Happy Father’s day Papa. There are so many things that this 36 years young daughter wants to share with you and i thought nothing would be best medium to express my love for you other than my own blog where you can read it someday and know the depth of my feelings. Though it is a challenge and very hard for me to put my true feelings in words but i have given it a try. Papa you know I always call you “My Best Dad in the World”. You are the best dad for me “I Love You” and am “Thankful” to you for everything you did for me. From the time i am born you are with me.
rashmijsr's blog
I am someone who simply loves visiting sacred places. Though i don’t have much idea of how to do all the holy puja but i try to do as much as my time permits me. My way of reaching God is very different. I believe that God can be reached with a true heart which has love in it for everyone and you should be in a state of bliss to experience God. God is positive energy which showers its blessings when you are in that receptive mode. You turn negative, the whole positive energy will change its course and get repelled. A pure heart can reach God.
I am a person with a positive mental frame but there are times i do look for motivation and feel lonely. And these are the times when i face a situation head on and emerge successfully from every adversity. The only lack is lack of mental preparation, once i am mentally prepared no matter what the situation may be i can handle anything. I am someone who travels with lots of luggage so like it is much heavier than a normal person would carry. I had to travel from Kharagpur to Tatanagar (Jamshedpur) and i had to do it alone.
The work which you do is an expression of your personality. Every person is not capable of doing all the work. There are a selective few who can lead and others fall in follower category. The leaders take the leadership position and lead and they need people to work for them. Every person cannot lead so it is absolutely ok if you cannot. The work which you do, networks you build with the people with whom your personality matches makes a big difference in your life. People know you by your work and they associate with you seeing your work.
Our life is the sum total of all the experiences we gain during our journey from the day we are born till the time of our death. Life's a journey and not a destination. It gets the meaning which we give. The journey is full of ups and downs, some good and some bad moments but what we have to do is gather experience and move on. The path of mortality is full of hurdles sometimes put by people who are close to you but then forgive, forget and move on. The people we meet in our life makes life worth living and they add flavour to our life.
Since time immemorial we know that like attracts like. Our mind which governs our thoughts is a huge energy magnet which attracts whatever is going on in our mind. Stronger feelings generate a high frequency which is sent into the universe and it fulfills our desires one by one. Our brain thinks and our heart feels. The whole universe works on the Law of Attraction. Whatever is going on in our mind we are attracting that into our life. Our thoughts and feelings give more of what is going inside us. We have heard that when we have scarcity we should concentrate on abundance and not on lack.
Today when I look back to my past I gather all sweet and sour memories. But I am happy that in my journey of 36 years I have learnt a lot from life. The daily teachings of life have transformed me much more than the college studies. I love reading books, articles, journals and almost everything which catches my attention. My dad instilled in me the feeling that I am a different person from the time I was born. There were so many unnatural things which happened with me and these does not happen with any other person.
Did you ever ask yourself as to who is your limitation? Who tells you what you are capable or incapable of doing? Who guides you all the way so that you can be successful and keep going? My friends, it’s your mind which processes all the definite information and sets limitations not just for ourselves but for others too. I remember a very famous quotation here which says “Only those who risk going too far can probably find out how far one can go”. How far can you go? How far are you capable of going? How long is your journey? All the questions need to be answered by you.
Every year we celebrate 14th February as Valentine’s day. This day is special in lives of those people who are waiting to express their love. This is the day when some people get their love and others have to bear heart breaks. The expression of love by saying “I Love You” brings two people closer but then you really have to keep the relationship going with a proper understanding or you may lose your beloved to someone, who has gone through a heartache on 14th February. There are various ways of expression of love. Say it with red roses bouquet.
Every person searches for happiness. Be it with someone or some material objects. We want to acquire everything which makes us happy. People are crazy to add something to their life which just makes them happy. The problem with most of us is that we look for happiness in material things whereas it is just residing within us. The inner happiness is waiting to get discovered so that it fills our life with happiness and love. Purchasing a new product may be compulsory sometimes but when it just becomes a desire to be happy that is the time when the real problem starts.