I hope all of you will agree with me that when you have empty space then only you can try filling it. You can never fill something which is preoccupied from before so when you delete unnecessary stuff from your life you create room for good things to enter your life. You have got old furniture which you want to replace with a new one. You are thinking first let me sell the old one and then I can buy the new one.
good life
You are very well aware of the saying “Health is Wealth”. My dad added a bit further and said: “when Wealth is lost nothing is lost and when Health is lost everything is lost”. He said you can earn wealth at any time but when you lose your health it is lost forever. I have seen people running after money, fame, good job position etc. They work for 18 hours a day and have no time for rest. At the end what is left is a huge sum of money with bad health and regular doctor’s visit. Nowadays it is very common to hear someone in their 30’s suffered a heart attack and died on spot.
Ever thought what our life would have been without challenges. The daily challenges which we encounter make us strong from within, keeps us going and makes us rough and tough to face any situation. If we do not face challenges in life our life would be dull and the spark would be missing. I know how difficult it can be at times when you are faced with a challenge which you are not ready to encounter but then I also know that when you overcome those bad days you are a new person who is stronger than before. It is all upon you how you see life and how you face life’s challenges.
Friends you all know me as Rashmi Priya. I am thankful to all of you who read my blogs and have liked it. You all the ones who motivate me to write more and share more. All the experiences which I share on my blog or write about are my real life experiences. I do not write superficial stuff. I am an easy going lady who loves her life and her work. It took me ten years to realize as to what I want to do in my life and to figure out what my true purpose in life was.