This topic is something which struck my head today so I wanted to write about it. I am writing my own experiences here. After going through so much in my life after my marriage of 12 years has molded me and has even taught me a few harsh lessons which I was never aware of when I was single living my life blissfully with my parents. My realizations and my thinking have changed as I am maturing as a person and I have realized that the first person who is important in my life is me “Myself” because if I am not happy from inside how can others around me be happy?
Life is a learning process and we learn everyday. There is a lot to learn from every human being, animals and insects. Have you ever thought if small honey bees would stop gathering nectar, flowers will not be pollinated and some fruits may not develop. So the apples or grapes which we eat would not be tastier if flowers were not pollinated by honey bees. Small efforts of honey bees helps in maintaining natural equilibrium. If a student is expecting good marks he/ she should put in small efforts everyday to get good results. We sometimes think why is it necessary to study everyday.
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