Today I chose to write about a topic that fascinates me the most and I am also trying to understand it in totality but there are few things that cannot be denied. According to Albert Einstein “Time is an illusion and Past, Present and Future exists at the same time”. The biggest question is how? You have lived your past so you know it. You are living your present so you have an idea of it but the future which you are yet to experience cannot be predicted by you.
conscious mind
You are gifted with a genius mind. It is only when you realize that you can harness its full energy that you understand how powerful you are. The Mind consists of two parts i.e conscious and sub-conscious mind. The Conscious mind is accessible to you all the time while the subconscious mind is not accessible to you. Now there is a very big treasure which is hidden inside your own subconscious mind. People call it the law of attraction where you attract something into your life by thinking about it and then matching your frequency with the things you want in your life.

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