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My Thoughts

My Life as an Entrepreneur

Submitted by rashmijsr on Wed, 2007-05-30 18:15

Life had never been easy for me. Hectic schedule, long hours of work, no peace and lots of tension. After completing my MBA when i entered the business i saw the world here was quite different from what we have studied. No theories could be applied and only practical knowledge was required.


Submitted by rashmijsr on Fri, 2007-04-20 12:26

There was a time when every small moment used to delight me and now the time is such that those happy moments come but i dont feel it. Its because of work pressure, Family pressure that my mind is preoccupied with things and i cant feel those small moments of happiness.

Gone are the childhood days when dad used to bring 50p chocolates and we happily ate that and now that big Cadbury bar of Rs 50 doesnt gives that delight. Those childhood moments are hard to forget because at that time we had no tension, no work pressure, no deadlines. We had only one work to play and study.


Submitted by rashmijsr on Mon, 2007-03-05 20:20

In todays scenario land is a hot property to invest in. Land is an intangible asset. Few years ago people thought of investing into shares or fixed deposit rather than investing into land but now a days the trend has changed. We dont like to invest in fixed deposits or any life insurance policies because the yield is very less as compared to the intangibles.


Submitted by rashmijsr on Mon, 2007-02-19 17:55

Its hard to define the word Humanity or kindness but it has a great meaning. We come across it in our every day to day life. It sometimes happen that we come across a incident and it touches us and remains fresh in our memory lifelong.

Kindness is present in the Heart. It shows what type of person you are and how you see the world.

I remember one of the stories which i would like to share with you all.

Decisions in Life

Submitted by rashmijsr on Fri, 2007-02-09 14:46

Life's decisions are not easy to make. We sometimes face a dead lock situation. A lot of times we are trapped and few times we are saved.
The decision which is taked may turn right or may be wrong, it cannot be predicted. But to prosper in life one needs to take quick decisions.
Taking quick decisions does not mean taking decisions without proper knowledge of something or taking decision in a haste. Always remember that one minute decision can make a difference in your life.

Management of Stress at work

Submitted by rashmijsr on Sat, 2006-12-23 18:48
Stress is something which impairs your brain to think or act on something. There are some stress tough people. Stress tough people usually thrive on stress and cope with pressure that would put the average person into tailspin.

Stress toughness is caused by “commitment”, control and challenge.

Accept stress as a challenge and you will cope better with it.

Types of stress -

There are two types of stress Eustress and Distress.

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