When I write about God or my real life experiences with the divine I feel inspired. When you connect with God he also connects with you and sends messages to you. He does not comes and talks directly to you but he sends you various insights. When you tune into the right frequency you can interpret all those messages correctly. There are no hard and fast rules of connecting with God. You can do simple prayers with a pure heart and you can feel the divine. It is all upon you as to how you want to reach your God. If you like to do Mantra Meditation then well and good.
I conducted training program at JCI Nagpur Gondwana on Motivation on 12th February 2012. I was very excited to conduct the training as the topic Motivation is very close to my heart. I too get motivated while motivating my audience. It was a fine sunday morning and i reached hotel green city the venue where training was to be conducted on time. I distributed “ I am Motivated” batches to all the participants. Few wore it without any problems while some of the middle aged audience found it childish and were reluctant to wear the batch, but i some how convinced them to wear the batch.
Life is a learning process and we learn everyday. There is a lot to learn from every human being, animals and insects. Have you ever thought if small honey bees would stop gathering nectar, flowers will not be pollinated and some fruits may not develop. So the apples or grapes which we eat would not be tastier if flowers were not pollinated by honey bees. Small efforts of honey bees helps in maintaining natural equilibrium. If a student is expecting good marks he/ she should put in small efforts everyday to get good results. We sometimes think why is it necessary to study everyday.
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