This question is asked by the interviewer to know more about you. Your answer will tell the interviewer how best you fit for the job at hand.
I would suggest interviewees to maintain their cool and not to over react. Just think that your life is not going to end if you do not clear this interview. There is always a next time where you can prove yourself and get selected. The interviewer asks this question to see how you react to it. He is just checking your emotional balance. Few candidates burst at this declaration. Its always recommended that you maintain your calm. The interviewer wants to know how you react when adversity affects you or when you are unprepared to handle a failure.
1) Be well prepared for the interview
2) Arrive 15 mins early at the place of interview
3) Carry several copies of your resume.
4) Carry pen and A-4 size paper with you for the interview
5) Greet the receptionist. It shows your humble nature.
6) Do not talk or laugh out loudly. Maintain office decorum.
7) Do not fix two consecutive interviews in the same day as you never know how much time your first interview will take.
8) Greet the interviewer after entering the room.
9) Take permission and sit down.
10) Do not slouch at the time of interview.
Types of Job Interview -
Here i have listed below five types of interview.
1) Traditional Face to Face Interview
2) Panel / Committee Interview
3) Behavioral Interview
4) Case Interview
5) Telephone Interview
1) Traditional Face to Face Interview - Most interviews are face to face and the goal as an interviewee is to maintain good eye contact.
Convince the interviewer why you are a suitable candidate and why you should be selected.
Your goal is to establish rapport and show how your qualifications will serve their purpose.
2) Panel / Committee Interview -
Dress code is very important aspect of interview. Improper dressing or shabby dressing can create troublesome situation. Dressing properly can create positive results in favor of a candidate. Here are few points about dress code for men and women.
Men -
1) Hairs should be properly cut. No Stylish cuts until applying for modeling job.
2) Black or Dark blue suits give a corporate look.
3) Shirts should be light in shade such as creme or white. Avoid wearing dark colored shirts.
4) Shocks should be dark colored with black shoes. No light colored shocks. No stylish shoes.