An Women Entrepreneur is a person who treads her own path and carves a niche for herself in the society. It takes a lot of guts and courage to become and entrepreneur. There are high risks involved and an unpredictable future. If its an woman she has to balance all fronts - her family, children, friends and Business or Enterprise. Its a big challenge for her. There are a lot of setbacks which she has to over come when she wants to do something of her own. She has to prove her self to her family then only she is allowed to move forward. Or else she has to fight for her rights and walk alone.
rashmijsr's blog
Life is never a cake walk. Life gives us hope and courage to live. We experience both happiness and sorrows while moving ahead in life. They are two sides of the same coin. There is no single person who has not faced any problems while climbing the ladder of success. There are both joyful and sad moments in life but that does not stops us from living life to the fullest and give a full stop to our ambition. Everyone who has made it to the top had some exceptional qualities of fighting back and not giving in to failures.
Each and every company has a customer service department. Its very important to have a customer service branch in a company. Satisfied customers are assets for the company while dissatisfied customers are big liability. Its very important for a company to provide good customer service and see that the customer care department functions properly. You cannot overlook any need of a customer when you want to capture the market and run a profitable business.
Please don't start up a new venture just for the sake of starting a business or to make profits from the first month or just carrying a side business along with job to have some money. Please be serious about everything you do and every step and move you take. Once an opportunity is lost its lost and new strategies need to be made. You cant cry over spill milk.
Salary negotiation is an ongoing process in today's corporate scenario. We negotiate over everything in our day to day life be it grains to finalizing big deals. Salary negotiation is very important because it sometimes happens that most deserving candidate gets very low salary and the less admirable is paid higher. When you think of negotiating about the salary then the question arises as to how to negotiate. There are certain rules to salary negotiation. You should not hurt the interviewer nor you should show your upper hand as these things gives you a negative mark in the interview.
Employee Retention is the most talked about subject in today's business scenario. Take example of any organization be it IT, Manufacturing, Production houses - all are feeling the heat of employee attrition and they want to have good retention rates. Gone are the days when an employee stuck to a particular organization for his life time and never left. Things have changed and so has the mindset and work culture. Employees are the Back bone of the company.
In today's fast moving scenario when there is negativity all around you its always better to fasten your seat belts and be prepared with all positive energy to face challenges in life. Now things have changed remarkably. Negative thoughts, negative views & negative people . There are many people who are trying to pull you down . You have to survive and reach your goal. Things will change only when you will want them to change. You have to start from yourself first then only you can change the society and their thinking at large.
“Lust for anything is bad “ we all have heard this famous saying. But when it comes to practicing we usually forget what we have learned. Its useless to run after money. You do your work and cash will flow in. Don't run after money because it will land you no where and at last you will be lost and will be left with nothing. On the other hand if you work hard and do your work things will go better day by day and you will add value to your life and you bank account will be flooded.
Its 21st century and the world is moving at the pace of light. Internet helps us in connecting to the whole world just at the click of the button. You can chat, send mails and update your knowledge by browsing all types of sites. Its cheap. If you think of calling everyone it will cost you a lot. But there should be limitations to everything. You must have heard the proverb “Anything in excess causes damage “. To a certain limit its really great. You can do video conferencing and learn new stuffs without moving places. But once things exceed limits problems start evolving.
I am myself an Entrepreneur there are few things which struck my mind. I would like to share with you. Never start a business for the sake of just doing something different and because your close relatives and friends are making millions so why not you ?