When there is life challenges are bound to be there because both of them are inseparable. There can be no life without challenges and if you are one who has faced little or no challenges in life than you are someone who needs to learn your lessons so that you can grow into a good individual. Life’s challenges are meant to make you and not break you but most people break when they face adverse situations in their life.
Dreams do come true if and only if you have the power to manifest it with your knowledge. Beauty with brains is a very rare combination and there are very few people whom you can count on your fingertips so if you are one of them you should be thankful to God for gifting you his more precious gift of beauty along with brains. You can never overlook the power of knowledge & self-confidence to add on to your attraction because when you have the knowledge it shows up on your face. Your intelligence adds an extra glow to your face.
I hope all of you will agree with the fact that God has gifted each one of us with numerous talents and it is only with the passage of time that we become aware of them or someone else finds it out for us and presents it before us. These talents which are the gift of the divine to a human being can sometimes remain unused for the whole life and thus the person’s whole talent gets wasted as it was never used and he never made any contribution to the world.
I have heard people saying that this is not in my destiny that is why I won’t get it. I want to ask you did you try just one time before giving up when you were on the verge of failure when you could not hold on to your problems anymore, when you seemed lost and stopped trying because the pain of trying one more time gave you goosebumps. I know how difficult it is to try just one more time when you are done with your problems or your life’s challenges but when you still try just for the last time before laying down your armor you will see that miracles happen.
I am sure many of you would have come across this proverb “Something which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. You get strong after a failed marriage, a failed long term relationship, an unsuccessful career or failure in sports. I would say failure doesn’t kill you but makes you stronger. If you would not have failed in your life you would not have been stronger nor you would have grown as a person. When you fail at something again and again or even once you realize your mistakes and you become smart enough not to repeat them again.
Every day you live your life by performing various activities and I am sure when you look at the outputs or results you will see the tasks which were done with more concentration yielded better results than those tasks which were done with a distracted mind. The more energy or concentration you give to whatever you are doing in your life you will see that those aspects of life will unfold in great ways.
We all plan our life. Planning occupies a center stage in our life. Though we may do a lot of planning but when the actual time of execution comes we get lazy or cut short our goals or make some modifications or discipline ourselves to reach our destination on time and be successful in life. You plan “A” and some crisis situation happens which may force you to change your plan to “B”. Everything which you have planned may not work. One or the other thing is bound to go out of work at the last moment and you have to make adjustments to handle that trouble.
There are different facets of life, it is both sweet and sour at times. Sometimes life challenges us beyond our limitations and at other times gifts us enormously. Let's welcome life. It will show you its good and ugly face at different times and it is all upon you how you accept it and react to it. Our whole life revolves around people and our own perceptions of people. We love some, hate some and do not bother at all about the rest because they do not carry any meaning in our life but that does not mean that these people do not carry any significance in our life.
A business idea pops in your mind and you just want to move ahead with it but suddenly the villain self-doubt comes and gives you hundreds and thousands of reasons not to do it. You then start doubting yourself whether you will be able to do it or not. You then take your idea to your family members and they just reject it saying it is all rubbish. They will give you enough reasons as to why you should not do it. Then they will give you examples of how neighbor’s son lost all his money in business at the start and created so much debt for the family to pay, how much risky it is?
We all are gifted with lots of strength and it is only in the worst circumstances that we know how strong we are, till then it is hidden within us and lies in a dormant state. Life is full of joys and sorrows. You enjoy your day's work, family life and everything which makes your life beautiful and all of a sudden you are left alone to face the worst situation in life.