When there is life challenges are bound to be there because both of them are inseparable. There can be no life without challenges and if you are one who has faced little or no challenges in life than you are someone who needs to learn your lessons so that you can grow into a good individual. Life’s challenges are meant to make you and not break you but most people break when they face adverse situations in their life.
I am writing this article from my own experience. From the time I was born I have learned a lot from the School of life than I did from my B-School so I thought of penning down my own experience today so that you gain clarity of what I want to talk about. Sometimes it seems that everything is fixed in life and you are living a smooth life then all of a sudden you get a jerk and before you can understand what has happened your whole world has crashed.
The word “Dare” itself signifies that if you dare for something than you can do it. If you do not dare you cannot do it. Just thinking over a problem is not going to help, we have to take action because without our “Action” nothing is possible. We need to think about the existing problem and not hold it as others responsibility but our own responsibility and take appropriate actions to solve it. We are aware of a lot many things and a lot of people are aware of it but then what are we or others doing to sort out the problem or solve the problem ?