I successfully conducted training program along with my team on the topic “Life Ok” at JCI National Conference held at Lulu International, Kerala on 28th December 2012. I conducted training on the topic “Discover your true self” or Self Image. I discussed on What is Self Image ? Why it is important to have a good self image ? How to improve one's image over a life time. My audience comprised of Teachers, Charter Accountants, Home makers, Entrepreneurs and other working professionals.
What is Goal Setting ? Why is it important to have goals in life ? Is it really necessary to have goals in life ? What will happen if i live a life without goals ? These are few questions which needs to be assessed and answered by every individual. Its the power of our dreams that takes us ahead or pulls us back. Goals are very important in life. Until we set a destination for ourselves how will we traverse the path and reach our destiny. With a specific goal we plan a specific path and try to conquer all odds of reaching that goal and persevere till the goal is achieved.

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