When I write about God or my real life experiences with the divine I feel inspired. When you connect with God he also connects with you and sends messages to you. He does not comes and talks directly to you but he sends you various insights. When you tune into the right frequency you can interpret all those messages correctly. There are no hard and fast rules of connecting with God. You can do simple prayers with a pure heart and you can feel the divine. It is all upon you as to how you want to reach your God. If you like to do Mantra Meditation then well and good.
Every time i see my child i ask myself the same question, Have i given enough time to my child ? In the fast moving scenario, with growing responsibilities and so much work load we find it difficult to share quality time with our child. There is a difference between staying together in the same house with kids for 8 – 10 hours and spending quality time with them. I can be at home doing office work or just watching television. That is not quality time, quality time is just being with the child and concentrating on him/her. Playing, spending time together or watching movies.
- rashmijsr's blog
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- affection
- birthdays
- care
- child
- communicate
- dad
- daughter
- delicate hearts
- depression
- expresses
- friend
- growing responsibilities
- heart breaks
- joint family culture
- judgmental
- love
- mom
- News paper
- nuclear family
- office
- Papa ma
- parents
- Playing
- professional stunt men
- quality time
- stubborn
- suicide
- surprise gifts
- talkative
- Television Commercial
- time
- violent
- watching movies
- watching television
- Communications
In today's fast moving scenario where most of the population is working, office is a place where an individual person spends most of the time. With the advent of Cut throat competition and multinationals growing their roots strong on Indian grounds have opened lots and lots of opportunities which in turn has increased working hours. Working professionals spends minimum 8 hrs and maximum 10 – 12 hrs at office so office needs to be a comfortable place where they can work and have enough fun to keep them motivated.
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