A book is a place to discover ocean full of knowledge. It carries information from all over the world. A book lover never gets bored from reading it and his craving increase with the finish of one book to start with the other. There are few tips and tricks for reading a book. First time readers will find difficulty in concentrating but with the passage of time reading will be fun. There is no hard and fast rule for completing a book in 15 days or one month. Read when you feel like reading. This will enhance your knowledge and increase your power of concentration.
Ever thought of what significance color carries in association with a brand and how the brand associates with the logo ? This question came to my mind while i was going through success strategies of Proctor & Gamble ( P & G ) in recreating two of its brand – Tide and Mr Clean – as dry cleaning and car wash franchises. Everyone is aware that both the brands are very successful in India and overseas. Then what is the need for P & G to enter dry cleaning and car washing ?

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