Women Entrepreneurship is gaining momentum and lots of women want to become entrepreneurs rather than do 9 - 5 job. The reason is flexibility in working hours as well as being your own boss. You are free to choose what you want to do rather than someone else giving you orders as to what needs to be done. The journey for women entrepreneurs is not the same as that of men. The struggle and the daily juggle between work and family is absolutely different. A lady has to think ten times before she steps out of the house to build her business.
Women entrepreneurs
Looking back in my past days i discover how much time i utilized and how much time i wasted doing useless things which were never important but i did them just to impress people and show people how different i was, how intelligent i was. It is only later in life that i realized if i am great or intelligent i don’t need to prove anyone nor do i need approval of anyone to tell me who i am.
I realized i could have been successful much before but the delay was just due to my own attitude and personal belief.

© 2010 Rashmi Priya. m