Every company wants to sell its product and make profits but the process of sales is not that easy. Let us discuss all innovative measures brought in the sales process to sell a product.
From my childhood days i used to think only the intelligent person can earn money and be successful in life. If i don't study well i will not get a good job and will be struck by failures. I need to go and work abroad to earn money and prove myself to be successful or at least visit overseas very often to show off. These were my childhood thinking's but when i grew up i found things to be quite different. The world which i imagined and the actual existing one were quite different. Why they were different ?
I used to think over few things again and again but pondered over some questions. Is it our thought process or our doings which mold our destiny ? Why are few people more successful then the rest of the masses ? Why few people get success easily while others strive hard for it ? Why few people are successful at a very early age than the rest of the masses ? I asked many people but they could not answer to my satisfaction. Finding answer to these questions was not an easy task because the person who always gave me suggestions as to what to do and what not to do was not much successful.