My dad asked me what is life? I thought for a moment and then answered him. Life is the image of the fantasy world in my thoughts and I want to manifest that exactly into this world. I don’t understand reality but I want to create the one which is in my head as a real one. That’s life for me. Dad looked at me with a big question mark on his face. Yeah I know sometimes I sound more illogical than all the things which you cannot see but still exists.
I think every person out there will agree with the fact that this vast massive universe is governed by certain laws. You can skip human court or prison but not the court of the universe. When this giant bubble was created by the Gods they also set certain rules by which every living being in the cosmic world has to abide by. You accept it, reject it, or complain about it but still, you have to follow it. If you break the rules be prepared for creating karmas which have to be repaid by you in the next birth.
From my childhood days i used to think only the intelligent person can earn money and be successful in life. If i don't study well i will not get a good job and will be struck by failures. I need to go and work abroad to earn money and prove myself to be successful or at least visit overseas very often to show off. These were my childhood thinking's but when i grew up i found things to be quite different. The world which i imagined and the actual existing one were quite different. Why they were different ?