The Indian market is flooded with various products be it branded or non branded. Very few consumers have knowledge of places for buying the product. There are both authorized and non authorized dealers who sell the product and even some middle man who buy from here and there and sell the product. We the consumer or customer buy our dream product (Consumer Durables) and start facing problems after some time and then we run from pillar to post for service. If we get good service we are delighted but if we get poor or no service then the whole money is just wasted.
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I was sitting and looking out of the window and thinking how some business houses are just making money by gaming or thousands of websites with almost similar content running online and making profits. Every other day a new website is emerging and fighting for its own market share when there is already a cut throat competition going on between the rest of them. It never made sense to me that people in this busy era have time to play online games. is coming up with the Campus Ambassador program. It is very beneficial for all students. They can apply for the program directly through the website and then talk with the college management to call us to their college for organizing the Campus Ambassador event. Interested candidates can fill the Registration form. Selected students will be called for Group discussion and personal interview.