Nowadays I write about everything other than motivation. Actually my life has shifted 360 degrees. I am yet to make peace with my new self and that is the only reason I keep writing about things that brought me to a place where I am today. You all learn from me and explore that unexplored part of the universe which exists and has all your answers. I have done lots of inner work and I am still working a lot on my own self so that I can unlock those energies which I need in the future for my divine work.
Life comes with all its twists and turns. You simply cannot stop things from happening in your life but yes you can work on your life and change your attitude towards it so that you can better deal with it. These ups and downs in life sometimes become so severe and carry for so long that you get depressed. Planetary changes, day to day stress, change of behavior of loved ones and heated words causes depression. You cannot run away from it nor can you avoid it since you are a human being. As a human being, you have to feel all the emotions be it happiness, sorrows or pains.
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