I conducted training program at Gurunanak School, Nagpur on 18th July 2012 for 9th standard students on Leadership. I entered the hall and there was pin drop silence. Mahek, President JCI Women's World introduced me to the students. After a formal introduction i started up with the training. The students were very eager to know as to what i will teach them on leadership. I asked them to assess themselves and do self analysis and then choose a future path of their career. Leadership is a journey, not an end or a destination. A leader works hard and carves a path for others to follow.
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I conducted training program at JCI Ranchi on 24th June 2012. The date was decided after a long follow up with Jcrt wing Chairperson Veena Agarwal. I was given a warm welcome by Veena Agarwal and President JCI Ranchi, Anand Dhanuka when i reached the official destination of JCI Ranchi. The place was properly arranged with name plates in the correct order.
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