Life is both sweet and sour. All of us are hurt and go through pain in our lifetime. It is how you deal with it that matters. Crying, complaining and repeating the incidents in your mind again and again will not help you. What will be helpful is your understanding of the problem and how to get over it. You can control your own self but you cannot control another person’s behavior and the outside situations and circumstances. The other person may behave wrongly with you though you may not have committed a very big mistake and hurt you.
Happiness is the emotion which is felt within and is expressed out by means of good feelings and laughter. Happiness can have different meaning for different people. Something which makes me happy may not make the other person happy. Every person has his or her own definition of happiness. A smiling face can make someone happy, a small gift, a good night's sleep or one can find happiness in just working selflessly for others. Being happy is a great feeling and everyone should be happy. There is no doubt that God gave us this life just to be happy.

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