The work which you do is an expression of your personality. Every person is not capable of doing all the work. There are a selective few who can lead and others fall in follower category. The leaders take the leadership position and lead and they need people to work for them. Every person cannot lead so it is absolutely ok if you cannot. The work which you do, networks you build with the people with whom your personality matches makes a big difference in your life. People know you by your work and they associate with you seeing your work.
non - verbally
We communicate non - verbally by means of gestures, postures, eye contact, facial expressions, body movements and our dressing. For example If i have to attend a marriage reception, i will be dressed with full make up and heavy jewellery and my outfit matches the occasion and conveys the same to the audience. I cannot attend a formal meeting with my client or go to office with heavy makeup as it will not match the occasion.

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