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Spirituality - A shortcut to the Divine and his invisible world

Submitted by rashmijsr on Sun, 2022-06-12 16:41
Rashmi Priya - New Bride

To some spirituality is a fancy word while for others it is their daily practice that gets them one step closer to their connection with divinity or God. There is no one way to reach the divine and I bet no one can debate this fact. If you want to get God then you can do it by following rituals, mantra chanting, meditation, or simply by being silent and connecting with nature. There are no hard and fast rules and if any person made the rules then it is going to be broken by some or other living being. People say Gods are not accessible to negative people but that is absolutely wrong. Tantrics do a high level of rituals and connect with the divine. They practice wrong measures to attain shakti but still, they reach that point. The best part is that no one can practice evil activities for a long time after attaining siddhi or getting their powers because they are stopped by the deity themselves who interfere. These tantric either go mad or die a harsh death and I have read many stories about it. If you practice spirituality just to connect with God and get peace of mind then you don’t have to try hard because your goal is limited and the work is much less. It is only when you aspire for greater things that you need to go through a certain path or follow a well-defined process. I am a learner and still don’t know many secrets of the universe because God is a mysterious person and they can make their presence felt even in the form of a small creature, how do you know that it is just a small insect or the divine himself in front of you.

If you are into mantra chanting and do that from the bottom of your heart then timing doesn't matter. You connect with the energy and they will get the work done through you. Yes, I am telling this from my real-life experience. I am not a morning person. I wake up late in the morning and need to fix that. When I was doing mantra chanting I did it in the morning when I woke up or in the afternoon or at night for a sitting of 3 to 4 hours. I chose Swayamvara Parvathi Mantra for chanting. Since it is a long mantra it took a lot of time for me to chant 1008 mantras in on single sitting. I had my own divine experiences. On some days I used to do chanting for the whole night and sleep till noon and wake up at 12 PM. I have felt the divine in a trance state and I know what it feels like when you experience divine energy near you. I have gone to all extremes and done whatever it took to complete my Mantra Purashcharan since I wanted results. I had gone through a very bad breakup and was into severe depression. To get out of that without medical intervention was a big challenge so I took the spiritual path to sort out my head. I healed my mind but the imbalanced energy of my body caused inflammation. I had no idea I had set a path where other worldly beings expected too much from me and wanted me to go for a spiritual awakening.

I slept and woke at very odd hours, and never ate my food on time which led to the loss of weight and disturbed my sleep schedule. But I completed my mantra work for which I took Sankalp in front of Parvathi maa. It took me almost 3 and a half to four months to complete Mantra Purashcharan successfully. A normal person cannot understand from the outside how heightened your energies are. Sometimes the universe masks the energy of a few people so that they can complete their work in complete silence without getting noticed. You cannot skip the energies of an enlightened being who has ever walked or will walk on this planet because they are different and don’t fit in this normal world that exists but they chose to stay since they have agreed and signed a contract with the divine that they will not leave till their divine work is complete. God himself keep these kinds of people alive because they need to get their work done through them. I have followed rituals too for getting a step closer to the divine. I was 100% guided and never did anything on my own. Any spiritual practices which I did were under the strict guidance of my God. I never take credit for the work which he did. If you go for meditation then you need to put effort into it since you will not get any results in the first few months. You will see yourself getting a little better after putting in some meditative hours because you get better with time. The universe will reveal itself in miraculous ways and you will be in a state of awe as to how it all happened. Nothing is your imagination or dream but it is all real.

I ran away from this reality of mine for a very long time but now I have accepted the fact. I have surrendered to the universe and handed my life into their hands. The first half of my life ended in a big disaster and it was all my decision so I want to see how my life unfolds when I listen to the higher powers who planned my life according to the cosmic will where I am guided to the next step without much of my involvement but completely following the process. The vast, massive invisible world out there which is made of just energy will start communicating with you. I know it sounds weird but you will get astonished by the number of details that the cosmic consciousness will reveal to you. If you get one with the invisible world by means of meditation or just by doing a few postures in yoga then you will feel that you can’t feel your body after a certain period of time which I am yet to attain. The cosmos then considers you and itself as one single being and then the magic starts. I don’t have much idea of what is next in life because I took a long break from my career and now I want to move ahead as a Divine Energy Healer. No idea how I will get to the point where I want to but I know by following the right process I will be led to my destination in divine time.

Since everything is new to me so I very often question my own spiritual advancements since the memory does not exist in my conscious mind. I have received many messages in my trance state when I was fully unconscious in the year 2016 and I feel they will reveal themselves to me at the right time. I never decided to walk the path which I am very motivated to walk since the whole purpose of my life changed when otherworldly beings wanted to work through me. I was made part of the divine plan without me being much aware of it. I don’t back off if I have made a commitment and that applies to all areas of my life. I don’t commit that easily but when I do I will fulfill it till my last breath and that’s the only reason when my dad asks me something I clearly speak my mind. He sometimes does not like that but I can’t commit to any promise which I cannot fulfill. He wanted to include me in all the work of the bank. I said dad I am here for a very short period of time. I will be getting married and leaving your home. He looked at me very astonished since I have not registered on any matrimonial website and asked him not to look for a Bridegroom for me since it is the work of my God and not his. The universe took complete responsibility for my life in the year 2019 in its hands. The universe is supporting me in the form of my parents and I know the person who will become my better half will be the universe associating with me for the fulfillment of my higher purpose. It is not the person but the universe itself helping me out in every way through one or the other person.

I am still trying to understand God and the universe. For any person who is on the spiritual path I just want to say that when you clear your mind and heart then the cosmos will reveal itself to you because they love clear-minded people. If you are a greedy person be it for spiritual powers or for money they will sense it and never give you that but on the other hand, if you have a clear heart they will test you and give you much more than you asked for. I always say God can make miracles happen. They can gift you everything which your mind perceives as impossible because with God everything is possible. Connect with the universe and let it reveal itself to you. I do doubt myself very often and even don’t know what is next in life. I don’t know the future because everything seems so uncertain so I have surrendered. If my life is my imagination then let me live and die in my imagination.

Spirituality is a shortcut to reaching God but you need to have a pure heart and mind. Be happy. Welcome to a New World full of Mysteries and Miracles.

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