All of you know that we have the option to refresh a page when it does not load correctly or hangs midway. We immediately refresh the page so that we can view the desired page so is life there are times when you will have to press the refresh button of life so that you can start again because when you are stuck you have the only option to move ahead because you cannot go and mend the past so it is better to accept the present and move on with life.
Let Go of the past if it hurts and look beyond the present into a new and brighter future which you cannot see now. If you are too stuck up in the past you spoil not only your present but also your future. Past is past and you have to leave it and move on even if gives you goosebumps and makes your life difficult. I know past memories never leave our mind. When we are active in the day to day activities everything is ok and fine it is only when we are free that all the past memories gather and creates havoc in our life.

© 2010 Rashmi Priya. m