The very concept of life is very good. Our parents brought us here on this earth to experience life and do our karma. I personally believe that “God gave one life so live it kingsize”. Why cry over the past and hold grudges for people who have hurt you. Just forgive, forget and move on. That’s life. When you have loved someone and want that person in your life, just have faith. If that person is yours he will be in your life or else never so keep going. Life moves on and never stands still for anyone.
dream man
Yes, you people guessed it right, monsoon season and I am again here with you all sharing my views on love. Today the weather is cool and I am loving it. The light breeze has made the atmosphere refreshing. I have opened all doors and windows to let the fresh air come in and also opened my heart doors so that my dream man can come in. Let’s explore this love which is the most powerful force in the entire universe. Your body’s vibration changes when you are in love, your look, your smile and even your way of thinking changes. I don’t know how this happens but it simply happens.
Life is more of a give and take the business. You have to give in order to get something in return. It can never be one-sided. Even one-sided love has no fate. I personally believe that what is owed to you will come to you. At least you do contribute from your side and leave the rest on God. When you know you have played your role honestly then you can be rest assured that the universe will return back what is owed to you very fast and with full sincerity. The cosmos keep watching over you.