I know how difficult it gets for you to accept your new reality especially when it changes or transforms 100% of your personality. It gets very difficult to accept when it is the life-changing transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly. The key difference is caterpillar has no idea that it can go through the cocoon stage and transform itself into a completely different individual which can soar high in the sky with wings. What caterpillar thought to be the end of the world was a lifelong transformation and an opportunity to live in the new world.
I was going through an article today which stated that human beings have a frequency of 20 to 20,000 Hz while God’s have a frequency of around 40 MHz. one Mhz is equal to 1 million Hz. Establish a good connection with your God and complete the loop so that you can connect with the very source of creation. Now every person is different and unique and hence their energies are different. Your body’s vibration attracts a certain frequency from the universe.
I am happy the way i am why do i need to learn Effective Public Speaking? What difference it will make in my life ? Why do i work hard to change myself ? There are many people who are successful with or without some qualities but that never means that we cannot learn something new. We can impress someone with our first look, effective communication, gestures and voice modulation. These can create wonders when we know how and when to communicate. Many of us give presentations and are given public speaking opportunities but we fail to create that impact, Ever asked yourself why ?