The wait is over and the time has come. Now, what next is my question to the universe? I want to talk to you, Are you there? It is my question to the man whom I want to communicate. I have worked on myself for a long time and after doing Yoga and meditation from the past 3 years I think I can feel a lot which others can’t. You call it divine guidance, your Guardian Angels speaking to you or the heavenly creatures coming down on earth to give you the message because you have not left them with any option but to leave their seats in heaven and walk down on earth and communicate with you.
spirit guides
You have a connection with your inner self and your own spirit or Jeev Atma which exists inside of you. The problem is that you connect with the whole world and you are left with very less time to connect with your own self or I would say our thinking gets clouded and we keep thinking that whatever exists is just outside of me and there is nothing beyond that. It is only when you walk the path of self-discovery that you find out that there is so much which exists inside of you and you need time to connect with your inner self and understand it to live a purposeful life.
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