Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrium grows outside the uterus and can hamper normal functioning of the body. A lady having endometriosis experience many symptoms till it is diagnosed by the doctor that the patient is suffering due to the disease. The pain in the abdomen never goes away and increases during mensuration and ovulation. Heavy bleeding is linked to endometriosis. According to doctors the problem is due to endometrium which grows here and there outside the uterus which sheds along with the monthly cycle.
Endometriosis may not get easily diagnosed as it shows varied symptoms. It is like you need to be in touch with your health care provider or doctor to understand your problem. It can just start with heavy menstural flow which is due to hormonal dis balance and the doctor may prescribe Stylate T to solve the problem. But with due course of time when the abdominal cramping hinders with normal work and a lady starts experiencing cramping's days before her period, that is the time doctor feels something is wrong and recognizes the disease as endometriosis.
Symptoms can range from low blood sugar level, to heaviness in the abdomen through out the month, head ache, lower back pain, pain in legs due to long standing hours, Diarrhea or constipation, repeated uterine infection, depression, laziness etc. Ladies of the age group of 30 – 40 years are prone to endometriosis. If you are experiencing the problem it is advised to consult a gynecologist. It seems like only pains and suffering and no cure. There is no cure for endometriosis but yes the symptoms and pains can be controlled by exercise, eating good food and maintaining a healthy living.
Ladies suffering from endometriosis has to think beyond the disease and drown themselves into work rather than complaining to God why me. Everything is possible with a single minded devotion to control the disease and live a normal life.
Eat lots of veggies, avoid white bread, avoid carbonated drinks, drink lots of water, exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. Let me clear here some doubts it can be anything from walking , cycling to yoga , anything which suits you. But do not be harsh on your body, listen to your body. Avoid oily and spicy food. Include Garlic and ginger in your diet to keep your body warm and ward off infections as you get more prone to infections. One can also take small amounts of turmeric along with black pepper and honey.
Do not sit with your disease and get depressed, instead walk out conquer your ailment and move on, the whole world outside is waiting to be explored by you.
Do not let the Endometriosis conquer you but you conquer it by maintaining a healthy and active living.