Everyone seeks social acceptance and feels happy when accepted. According to Maslow’s Theory of Needs - After food, clothing and shelter a person has the need to be liked or to be socially accepted. Many people live their life to please others but there are few who lead their life according to their own terms whether they are accepted or not. It is a courageous decision to trod a new path which has not been chosen before or do something which no one appreciates. But there are few who do that and make the impossible possible because they have the courage to walk alone.
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What are inhibitions ? Its something which limits our action. Every person in this universe has got some or other inhibitions. These inhibitions comes in path of success and cause problems in the long run. We have to break this barrier and move ahead instead of sticking to it and crying over it. People start getting passive with their own personal inhibitions and lose confidence. Its this moment that we need to accumulate all courage and fight with this word.
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