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Cosmic Will – A very big Reality or just a Myth of our mind

Submitted by rashmijsr on Mon, 2024-10-14 18:02

Hello, my lovely readers, it has been a long time since I have written anything on my website. My life has been full of turmoil, but with the passing days, I am understanding life better. There are a few questions that have been answered by the universe but still, there are many unanswered questions. I hope with time with passing days I have all my answers. I have been working on my spirituality and my energies so that my life gets better.

I am touching on a subject that has been in my mind for a very long time and today I decided to give words to my thoughts. I am not discussing here free will or touching that subject because the more I understand the universe the more reality gets even clearer. Cosmic will is the “Will of the Universe” or the Divine Will. A huge question arises in the mind why this cosmic will is so important? I have heard stories of people changing their fate through Yoga and Meditation. That’s true. Try talking to some well-known Astrologers who have good command over astrology and can study the planets and charts with full precision then you will understand that everything was written in your Birth chart. All astrologers can’t read it but there are very few who can go deep inside and uncover the entire hidden mystery which is already present in your birth chart.

Cosmic Will prevails above all because this universe is created by the Creator who is a very big mathematician and a very fine programmer. He has programmed everything in the fabric of the universe in such a way that with passing days everything unfolds on its own and he does not have to interfere much in it. Time was a mystery and is still a mystery. We still don't understand time much. Yes, you read it correctly every person who says they claim to understand time fully has yet to uncover the full reality. People like Psychics who can see the future and have a sense of strong Premonitions have already proved that it is quite difficult to understand time because time does not run linearly as we humans know it. Many people are living among us who are aware of every bit of events that will take place in their life and they very well know that it can't be changed. Yes, I agree there are few monitions where the future reveals itself so that you can do something about it, and it's again the will of the universe so that you can act upon it.

People who have a psychic vision or those chosen ones who can lift the veil of time and see their entire lives in front of them know that this drama is the reality of this lifetime. They know that they have to play the role that the universe has assigned to them. When they get aware of the whole reality they lose interest in everything and that’s the only reason you will find great yogis doing Tapasya on mountain tops. They are just bringing balance to this cosmos by doing work that can be understood by very few people. They leave their body in that meditative state and God is happy that they did a great job. We human beings see a very small percentage of what exists in the universe. A large chunk is invisible and cannot be seen with the naked eye. To view that hidden reality you need to open your third eye and look at the entire universe with closed eyes. The truth is revealed to those who have the eyes to see it because once you are aware of the fact you should have the capacity to digest the truth or else you will go mad.

I have been doing meditation for a very long time and I understood just one thing if you are chosen by God for a certain work which you will do at a later stage in life they will just wait for you to reach that age. And once you reach that age something extraordinary will happen. Out of nowhere, certain things will be revealed to you about your reality. And “Boom” your entire reality will change in seconds and you will change your entire course of life and every day keep wondering why you made those decisions. Its true Cosmic Will is real and the Divine is a great Magician. He can alter your mind in a fraction of a second and even change your entire personality in a second. There are ample examples of people who changed their entire careers and started doing something that no one could ever think of.

This cosmos is live and it speaks with you. To gain access to that conversation you have to raise your vibrations so that it is a two-way communication. You have to learn the language of the universe and understand yourself better so that you can interpret all the messages and conversations correctly. Everyone is not aware of everything. When you are a chosen one and have been purposely selected by the universe for a very important task then get ready because every day you will keep wondering what is happening. The reality that you will see in the outside world and the reality which is revealed by the universe to you are so different that you will think that everything which is being conveyed to you is unreal. But you have to be aware of the fact that the universe never lies and speaks the truth because it is “Divine Programming” done by the biggest mathematician i.e. God himself. The divine truth will reveal itself to you and you will be left with no other option but to believe it because they will find a way to directly speak with you.

Cosmic Will will prevail and all the plans you have made will be just put in the dustbin and you will be emotionally pulled in this new direction to fulfill your destiny which you call “Rewritten Destiny”. It is only later you find out that it is “Pre-written Destiny”. Time is cyclical and the events repeat themselves in certain periods. You sometimes think that your dreams have become a reality because you had wished for them. What you forget is that there are few dreams which are already a reality and time just revealed those things to you so that you are fully prepared to live that new life. Cosmos can hack your brain and reprogram it fully. It's called enlightenment and transcendence where your soul grows to such an extent that you match the supreme soul. Enlightenment is a different level of computing in which you can access divine knowledge with just a click of a button. Everything is revealed to you. I have read in “The Alchemists” book that “If a person is living his destiny he knows what he needs to know” which means if you are chosen by the cosmos to do a high-level work then you will be given every bit of knowledge because that is your destiny.

You all must have heard of “Divine Intervention”. Now what is Divine Intervention let's try to understand why the divine interferes in our life. There are various reasons behind it some are revealed to you in the present moment while the rest is revealed to you when the time is right or when you have grown enough to digest the truth. There are many times when we all fight with God and I am also one among them. There are times when we all have endless complaints about everything that is going wrong in our lives. And I have understood that these moments of life happen so that you can be prepared for a new life which is 100% different from the life which you are living now. Cosmic Will or Divine Will will only prevail and your entire life will move in that direction so that you can fulfill the only purpose for which you are born. You must have read stories about many people who got much more than what they expected with the same effort which others put and I bet there is no doubt that they have been favored by the creator himself. Now you just can’t go and fight with God and say that he has been unfair to you. It's their destiny.

The cosmos will just arrange entire events in a way that it will feel like someone is guiding your footsteps. The events are so precisely planned that until and unless the previous event occurs you have no idea of the latter event. It's like the unfolding of a divine plan which is best suited for you. Then there will be times when you will be forced to choose what has been planned by the cosmos. These happenings can break your heart and even bring lots of sorrow in your life but that does not mean that the universe won’t take that bold step. They will make their decision and will put you in such a frame of mind that you will be left with no other option but to say yes to their plan. You must have heard of innumerable stories of Miracles and how the lives of certain people just changed overnight.

The Cosmos has decided on a plan for your life and everything has been programmed. When you take a certain amount of births and repeat the same cycle over and over again there comes a birth that has been predecided for you when you will work for your soul growth so that you can get Moksha. You become aware of the fact that you will be reborn again if you don't grow your soul and this thought comes because you were meant to get salvation in that lifetime. Many people just leave this earth at a very young age when they have made a big contribution to society and you keep wondering why they left so early. It is because their time got over and that is the period which was decided for them. No one can skip Cosmic will and if you think you can fool the Cosmos then it's just your imagination. The best path is the path of complete “Surrender” where you let go of the need to control everything in your life and give yourself to the higher power. You play your role and know that the Cosmic Will has a great plan set in action for you and it's already unfolding in the background and it will be revealed to you very soon.

I know there are times in your life when it feels like it's a big mess. It's ok and fine to feel that way because something wonderful is in the process of evolving that is the only reason your life feels messy.

Cosmic Will can be hard to accept at times but that won’t deter the plans of the universe. With time you will accept your new reality and new plans for your life because you know it is a wise decision to go with the flow rather than going against the flow and hurting yourself more. When you are born you will die one day and the time is set. In between time is the period when the Cosmic Will operates. If you accept it wholeheartedly it's well and good and if you cry every day even then death will take you when the time is right. The choice is yours. I have spent a lot of years of my life mourning over things that I could not change in my life but I could not prevent those things from happening in my life. I have developed acceptance for lots of things in my life because life gets miserable when I try to resist everything that feels uncomfortable to me. I have felt that with time, my understanding of the situations gets better and sometimes I am thankful to the Cosmos for making those harsh decisions for me.
You cannot skip this matrix so it is better to accept the reality and play your best role in it.

Subh Bijoya. Goddess Durga is coming to change the Destiny of the World and your destiny too.

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