Doing a good Job and not getting promoted ? Working hard and yet not getting recognized ? There is something which is seriously going wrong. Merely working hard or becoming a good worker will not get you promoted. There are few things which should be kept in mind while seeking promotion from your employer. Let us highlight them one by one.
Job Rotation is a process of preparing employees at a lower level to replace someone at the next higher level. Job rotation is practiced in corporate sector to avoid boredom and complacency in employees. Companies practice it to train employees at various levels so that they can do varied jobs and can become good leaders. It helps in understanding problems faced by different level of employees and required improvements. Job rotation is practiced to enrich the knowledge and job of a worker.
There are few things which should be kept in mind before going for job rotation -
Please don't start up a new venture just for the sake of starting a business or to make profits from the first month or just carrying a side business along with job to have some money. Please be serious about everything you do and every step and move you take. Once an opportunity is lost its lost and new strategies need to be made. You cant cry over spill milk.
Employee Retention is the most talked about subject in today's business scenario. Take example of any organization be it IT, Manufacturing, Production houses - all are feeling the heat of employee attrition and they want to have good retention rates. Gone are the days when an employee stuck to a particular organization for his life time and never left. Things have changed and so has the mindset and work culture. Employees are the Back bone of the company.
“Lust for anything is bad “ we all have heard this famous saying. But when it comes to practicing we usually forget what we have learned. Its useless to run after money. You do your work and cash will flow in. Don't run after money because it will land you no where and at last you will be lost and will be left with nothing. On the other hand if you work hard and do your work things will go better day by day and you will add value to your life and you bank account will be flooded.
Its 21st century and the world is moving at the pace of light. Internet helps us in connecting to the whole world just at the click of the button. You can chat, send mails and update your knowledge by browsing all types of sites. Its cheap. If you think of calling everyone it will cost you a lot. But there should be limitations to everything. You must have heard the proverb “Anything in excess causes damage “. To a certain limit its really great. You can do video conferencing and learn new stuffs without moving places. But once things exceed limits problems start evolving.
1)It give you a great platform to start discussion without time bondings i.e it is available 24x7.
2)You can have a brainstorming discussion on any topic.
3)Your written contents gets feedback and others view which enriches your knowledge